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HCCH Activities

Through the much appreciated efforts of all our members, who graciously volunteer to help coordinate, supervise and serve at so many various activities for our students, we have been blessed to offer many of the following events each year.  We invite new members to join us in ensuring the ongoing success of these events, and also to suggest new activities to enrich our students' education.

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Primary Academic Co-op Day
Primary Academic Co-op Day
PAC Day is a homeschool parent-led co-op for Pre-K - 8th grade students
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PAC Day Purpose:
In accordance with the HCCH mission, PAC Day has been established for HCCH member families to help meet an academic and elective need for their student(s).  Classes are offered in some supplemental core subjects with electives available as interest and available parent-teachers allow.  Due to limitations with time, facilities, and instructors, it is the purpose of PAC Day to offer academic classes only for Pre-K - 8th grade students, with childcare available for newborn through age 2 children of participating parents.

With the understanding that PAC Day is not meant to replace your homeschool studies, but to enhance them, PAC Day cannot meet the total academic needs of every student.

PAC Day Vision for Education:
Our desire is to offer your student an enjoyable classroom environment, and the opportunity to experience learning alongside their peers from a teacher other than their own parent.

Our Limitations:
Due to our limitation of time, space, and staff, PAC Day is unable to provide classes for students with special academic, emotional or physical needs.  Allowances can be made to this rule only with prior request and approval from the PAC Day Board.  Each student and their family must agree to abide by the PAC Day rules if they will participate in PAC Day classes.

PAC Day Organization
PAC Day is organized by an all-women board who serve in a voluntary capacity with new board members appointed as the need arises.  The PAC Day Board will set the class schedule, calendar, secure facility and approve all parent-teachers.  Board members will also help resolve conflicts between parent-teachers, students, parents and others.

The PAC Day Board is a primary committee of HCCH as described in Article V, Section 1 of the HCCH By-laws.


To join PAC Day, you must become an HCCH member. For further information, go to our PAC Day Information page where you can read through our Handbook and FAQs. If you have further questions, contact us at [email protected]


Secondary Academic Class Day
Bulverde United Class Days
BU is a 2 day academic class day for 6th-12th grade students.
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For more information, go to our What is Bulverde United page under the Bulverde United tab on the homepage of myhcch.com. To contact our committee, please email [email protected]. You will need to join HCCH or renew your HCCH membership to enroll in BU classes. Fill out our application to get started.

The BU committee is a primary committee of HCCH as described in the HCCH By-laws.



Back to School Picnic
Annual Back to School Picnic
Meet HCCH families while you enjoy some food, fellowship, games and fun!
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Held in September, our annual picnic is a time of renewing fellowship as the new school year kicks off.  The picnic is FREE to all HCCH member families. The picnic will take place during our regular Friday Park Day. 

 2024 Back to School Picnic:  TBD




Weekly Park Day
Come join us each week at park day!
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Come and join us for our Friday Park Days during the school year! Everyone is welcome! You do not need to be a member of HCCH to attend.

This is a great opportunity to come and meet us and hear what we have to offer before you join. We know it's hard to walk up to a group of people you have never met and introduce yourself, but it is so worth it! We make every effort to be welcoming and introduce your kids to someone their age, but you will have to take that first step and say, "Hello! I'm new!" We will take it from there!

In fall/winter, we meet at Oak Village North Park off 1863 and Olympus. There are bathrooms! 

Bring water, bug spray, and your folding chair or picnic blanket. The moms usually gather in a big circle and talk while the kids play on the playground, shoot baskets on the basketball court, or play nerf guns in the big grassy field.

Come and go as you please, many people don't arrive until 2ish and some stay well past 4:00. Can't wait to see you there!

 Park day is a wonderful chance for our kids to enjoy unstructured play together while the parents get a chance to visit.  Some park days will have an optional themed event for the kids to enjoy.  Examples:

  • Show-n-tell
  • Nerf games
  • Star Wars - May the 4th Party
  • Entrepreneur Day
  • Jump Rope Day
  • Hula Hoop Day
  • Playground Games
  • Teen Hang-Out

Summer Park Day Schedule: Park day continues to meet throughout the summer months in June through August, but the weekday will switch to Thursday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm the first week of June.  Summer park day is normally held at Bulverde Community Park -- the splash pad helps keep the kids cool!  Any special event summer park days MAY be held at OVN park instead.

Park Addresses:  

  • Oak Village North Park, 30415 Olympus, Bulverde, TX 78163
  • Bulverde Community Park, 29815 Bulverde Lane, Bulverde, TX 78163

* If your family would like to meet our group at park day, contact us at [email protected] to find out which park we will be at this week.



Field Trips and Activities
Field Trips and Activities
HCCH offers many more opportunities for learning and growing together.
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The HCCH Board and our members plan many monthly field trips and activities throughout the year for our families to enjoy.  Sign-ups for the field trips and activities are available only through our HCCH members’ website.
Examples of this past year's field trips and activities:

  • Sea World Backstage Tour
  • 4th Annual Reading Fair
  • Riverwalk Barge Christmas Caroling
  • Scobee Planetarium
  • South Texas Corn Maize
  • Teen Meet-ups (12 yrs+)
  • Holiday Parties (Fall Festival, Valentine's Day and Easter)
  • Summer Swim Parties
  • Olympic Field Day
  • Bank Tours
  • Sauer-Beckman Living Farm
  • San Antonio Zoo
  • Snake Farm
  • Toyota Factory
  • iFly Field Trip
  • DoSeum
  • Hill Country Science Mill
  • Artworks

HCCH thanks our member families for their input and active participation in planning and organizing these wonderful activities for our kids!



HCCH Yearbook
HCCH Yearbook
Enjoy a special memento from your school year!
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HCCH is proud to offer a yearbook which is a great memento of your student's school year.  Our yearbook is organized by the Bulverde United Journalism class, and also accepts photo contributions from our member families through our online website.  Portrait Days are arranged each year so that all of our students have an opportunity to be included.  Yearbooks are available to order throughout the year on our website and are delivered in July.


Father-Daughter Dance
Father-Daughter Dance
HCCH invites everyone to a special evening for fathers and daughters.
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This formal/semi-formal dance is open to all fathers and daughters in our community aged Pre-K through 12th grade.  Hosted by HCCH since 2003, the dance has grown in recent years to include over 300 attendees.  The dance is currently held in late winter/early spring at Anhalt Dance Hall.  The dance includes a live DJ, drinks and refreshments.  A photo backdrop will be available to take your special pictures that evening.

Registration for the dance will open in early February. Families are encouraged to pre-register for the dance at a reduced price, but door registration is also available.  Each family will be asked to bring a savory or sweet finger-food refreshment with them to the dance.  We also encourage uncles, grandfathers, stepfathers, or any adult role model to accompany a young lady.
22nd Annual Father-Daughter Dance!!
Friday, April 4th, 2025
7:00pm - 10:00pm


Teacher Night Out
Teacher's Night Out and Mom's Book Club
HCCH invites all of our teachers to a monthly night out and/or our book club!
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Teacher's Night Out is for all HCCH moms to enjoy a special night out!  We work hard all month teaching our children, so it is great to take some much-needed time just for us.  TNOs are held periodically either at a member’s home or at a local restaurant. Homeschooling discussion topics may be planned, but we also leave plenty of time for general chit-chat and fellowship.  Great for new home schooling moms and veterans too—bring a friend!
Mom's Book Club is a group of moms who love to read and enjoy sharing great books with each other!  Our book club meets once per month on a separate evening from the MNO.  We currently meet at the Starbucks in Bulverde to enjoy some beverages and books!  There is an assigned book each month in different genres (fiction or non-fiction).  Books are chosen at the July meeting for the entire school year.  We would love for you to join us!

*Teachers interested in HCCH are welcome to join us at TNO or Book Club anytime.  Contact us at [email protected] to find out about the TNO or Book Club details for that month.