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Information for Texas Homeschooling

Home schools are private schools in Texas (Leeper vs. Arlington ISD); and therefore, are not regulated by the Texas Education Agency. As a result, administrators (parents) of home schools have tremendous flexibility in educating their children and establishing the requirements for graduation. Texas courts have established the following minimum requirements for Texas home schools:

  1. Reading
  2. Mathematics
  3. Grammar
  4. Spelling
  5. Good citizenship

The curriculum / lessons must be in visual form (books, workbooks, videos), and must be pursued in a bona fide manner.  We may use, borrow, or purchase curriculum materials from an outside source or develop a curriculum of our own.  We may also send our children to the homes of other parents for instruction or have tutors come into our homes for all or part of the children’s instruction.

For more details, please visit Texas Home School Coalition’s web site  www.thsc.org and click on “Home Schooling FAQ’s


Texas Home School Coalition (THSC)
Keeping Texas Families Free
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THSC is our state support organization, providing legal assistance and information relevant to home schooling in Texas.  They also provide a wide variety of services and resources, including an annual convention, informative handbook, and a free magazine.
To contact THSC, call 806-744-4441 or go to www.thsc.org.
Family Educators Alliance of South Texas (FEAST)
Our regional homeschool support group.
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FEAST offers a curriculum and Resource Center, classes for families in home schooling, and a wide variety of sport information for families.  Additionally, FEAST offers a used book sale each year in the summer.  FEAST offices and Resource Center are located at 7735 Mockingbird Lane, San Antonio. Coop Classes meet at Oak Ridge Baptist Church on Vance Jackson.
For more information, call 210-342-4674 or go to www.homeschoolfeast.com.
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
Our national homeschool support group.
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HSLDA is a national organization that provides legal assistance and information in the United States and internationally.  HCCH members receive a $20 discount.
Contact [email protected] for the HCCH discount code.
For more information, go to www.hslda.org.
National Home Education Research Institute
A clearinghouse of research.
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NHERI provides helpful statistical information, particularly for helping skeptical family members understand the strengths of home schooling.
For more information, go to www.nheri.org.